Tampa Bay Witching Hour: A Postpartum Mental Health Support Circle

This group meets twice a month, once on either side of the bridge, giving parents throughout the Bay opportunities to join. The Witching Hour begins at 9am on the second and last Friday of each month. The second Friday meetup is held at Community Roots Collective in Tampa, and on the fourth Friday, gathers at Atlas Chiropractic Center in St. Petersburg. 

As postpartum doulas and parents, Becca and Kellie are intimately familiar with the impact the fourth trimester can have on mental health. In fact, the inspiration behind the group stems from both Becca and Kellie’s passion for postpartum support, as well as their own personal experiences with postpartum anxiety and depression.

“After having my son in 2020, in the middle of a global pandemic, both my husband and I suffered from perinatal mood disorders (PMDs),” shares Kellie Britch. “I know firsthand how quietly they creep in and how quickly they can take hold. I hope that by creating this safe space, we can help new parents see the light at the end of the tunnel. You are not alone.”

Becca Pascarella’s story is quite similar. “After my second baby, I realized that there needed to be more support for birthing people and new parents. I struggled with postpartum depression and postpartum anxiety, experienced a whole new set of breastfeeding issues, and I was drowning as a new mom of two,” she wrote. Becca went on to add, “After becoming certified as a postpartum doula and then a full spectrum doula, I decided it was time to bring my passion to the community.”

Tampa Bay Birth Network Board members, Kellie and Becca created Tampa Bay Witching Hour, for parents and professionals to find a safe space to discuss the trials, stressors, and successes of parenthood, as well as support, community, and solidarity. The pair of doulas hope to welcome other perinatal professionals as well.